Tuesday, July 10, 2012



 以前的我只是形式上明白此经文,潜意识里并没有很深的体会。但如今,当我一读到此经文时,突然间开窍;有所新领悟。正如经上记着说:“ 你的话语一揭开就发出亮光!”

          孩子说:[ 我累了!]
          阿爸说:[ 我让你休息!]

          孩子说:[ 没有人爱我!]
          阿爸说:[ 我爱你!]

          孩子说:[ 我做不下去了!]
          阿爸说:[ 我的恩典够你支持下去!]

          孩子说:[ 我想不通!]
          阿爸说:[ 我引领你前行!]

          孩子说:[ 我不配!]
          阿爸说:[ 你配!]

          孩子说:[ 这么做不值得!]
          阿爸说:[ 做了,你马上就会觉得值得了!]

          孩子说:[ 我无法原谅我自己!]
          阿爸说:[ 我原谅你!]

          孩子说:[ 我害怕!]
          阿爸说:[ 我所赐给你的不是一颗胆怯的心!]

          孩子说:[ 我常常在担忧,受挫!]
          阿爸说:[ 放下你的重担,我为你承担!]





Monday, July 9, 2012

Be The Blessings Of All ('',)

This morning , I received a message from my coursemate. She blamed me for not doing my presentation slide properly. Okay , I admit , it's my fault for doing the presentation slide improperly and  so last minutes. She blame me , it's right !!! For this is actually my fault !! Due to my irresponsible , it brings lots of inconvenience to them . I felt guilty and so sorry TT I try to request forgiveness from them and of course , the next moment I redo the presentation slide. When I am going to open our conversation to check for the link for the references , some words just appeared directly in front of me , it is the sentences that blaming someone for not doing her task properly and drag her. It is right , the one who keep blaming is definitely my coursemate , and do not denied that the one who she referred to is exactly me !!! At that moment , I felt shocked and of course sad and hurt TT I wonder why she blame me in front of so many people ? Don't she know that facebook is the public page that everyone can view and comment ?? Although she did not mentioned my name , but can u image that when I m in a good mood to on facebook , and the first sentences that appeared in front of my sight is the words that blame me ??!! 

It is just like a sharp sword that directly prick into my heart !! I felt like heartache TT Do not denied that at that moment my heart felt extremely painful and hurt TT How can she treat me like this ?? Just because I did not do my task properly?! Okay , I admit !! It is my fault !! But it is definitely your fault for blame me in front of all the people !! And you revenge me by blaming me in a public page !! Yeah !!! She blame me in facebook !!! Do not denied that I am extremely angry !! But heartache more compared to anger !! In my personal opinion , it is childish to do such thing !! And in order to reveal your anger , you choose to hurt other people. Is it fun ?? Don't you knew that just because of your personal depression , just because you want to reveal your anger , you choose to hurt others !! How cruel it is and how selfish it is !! At first , I try to scatter my focus on it , for I consider it as an immature act. I try to pretend nothing happen and act like normal , for if I keep thinking , I am sure it will definitely hurt me more than that. Do not denied that I am angry with her immature act , but I pray for Father please do not let me fall into temptation , please do not let me hate her. I begged TT And I attend the lecture as usual , as normal as nothing happened , like everything is in control , like this thing never exist , and the most important is this thing never affect my mood and never ever to hurt me TT

But when I am going to share with my roommate , just to reveal my sadness. During the moment I describe the whole thing to her , my tears fall without my notice. Before that , I thought I am strong , I thought I will be able handle this thing , I thought I will not angry because it is definitely my fault !! Blame me in front of public is definitely her fault !! In this case , why I want to care about it ?? Why I want to make myself suffer a lot because of her mistake !! At first , I thought I may just felt like sad but I will never cried. But , do not denied that my tears fall without my notice TT Immediately I went into the toilet to wash my face , pretend nothing happen , I do not want to let her know I am actually crying. But at last , she discover my abnormal. AS usual , she just keep silence and let me silence myself , let me to calm down myself. 

When I calm down , I start to wonder why am I crying ?? In fact , I am not supposed to be cried , but at last , why I cried ? Finally , I get my conclusion. The tears that fall without my notice is the tears of heartache. I felt so pain she treat me like this , for she is the only one that walk through this three semester with me. Just because I treat her as my only friend !! And just because of my mistake , she treat me like this ??!! Do not denied I cried due to my heartache !! My heart break.......TT

I thought after crying , I will hate her and do not treat her as my friend anymore. But surprisingly , I discover that I do not hate her. It is true !! I try to hate her , but seriously I sense that I am unable to do so.. I wonder why ?? Is it because of the love of Christ that I received from HIM ?? Just as scripture 1st John 4 : 18-19 said so ,There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  We love because he first loved us.  

Yup !! I am unable to hate her , but I noticed that I do not know how to face her !! Father , please do not let your child fall into temptation , please do not let me either hate her or heartache when I face her. The most importantly , please do not let me think of the unpleasant hing that happen among us , for this will hurt me badly TT Please do not let me just love those who loves me so much but hate those who hates me , if like this , then what the difference among me and the peope unreached ?? What the difference among me and the satan ?? For he loves the one who loves him , but hates their enemies. O LORD  , please do not even hardened my heart just as YOU hardened Pharaoh's heart. Please never ever let me hates those who hates me , or those who offend me. For YOU said so , "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." In Jesus name I pray , amen('',)

In the other way , maybe I have to thank her for letting me learned a new lesson , which is do not immediately reveal my anger on others who offend us just for our own benefit. But calm down ourselves when we are in a hot-tempered condition , for the words that come out from our mouth without our own notice will directly hurt others. Do think of others when we do something , for we may felt guilty at the next moment when those words come out from our mouth , for we cannot compensate the hurt that we have created on them. And lastly , never ever blame people in public page like facebook , for the hurt we bring to them is more than we can ever imagine , which is the hurt that we ourselves cannot compensate. Thus , My Dear Heavenly Daddy , I will try to calm down myself when I am angry , do not spoke any words that hurt others , not even single words! For my existence , is not create hurt on others , but instead BLESSINGS OF ALL ('',)  

                     WE LOVE , BECAUSE GOD FIRST LOVE US('',)

Believe , U May See The Glory Of God...('',)

-- John 11 : 40 --

今早的证道 (08.07.2012 ),感恩让我从中有所领悟!当马大对耶稣说:主啊!他现在必是臭了因为他死了已经四天了!然而耶稣却对她说:我不是跟你说过,你若信,就必看见神的荣耀吗?

很多事情,神有它自己的时间!他应允苦难的到来并非毫无理由,却是有他自己的美意要成就,却是要透过我们来彰显他的荣耀!只是往往神的智慧我们无法理解甚 至无法渗透,往往神的用心被我们所忽视!以致苦难当前,我昼夜以眼泪当饮食,人不住对我说:你的神在哪里?是啊!我说:主啊!你在哪里?耶和华啊,求你听 我的祷告,留心听我的呼求,我流泪,求你不要静默无声;我心里发昏的时候,我要从地极求告你,求你领我到那比我更高的磐石!

但讲员的一句话深植我心!他说:我们每星期在教会岂不是一直开口大声赞美神说:主啊!惟有你是万王之王,万主之主!你是永活全能的!你为我们行了大事,甚 至在你里面没有没有难成的事吗?!为何苦难一来到,就把这一切都抛掷脑后了呢?难道之前心里相信,并口里承认大声宣扬那位大有能力的神是假的?之前口口声 声宣扬他是凡事都能做的那位神也是虚无的吗?为何苦难当前却忘了我们的主是怎样的一位神呢?为何苦难当前,却不愿相信他必拯救呢?又为何苦难当前,却忘了 他曾经是如何带领我经过一次又一次的难关呢?

默想了一番,当下真的觉得很矛盾也很惭愧,那位曾应许永不撇下我为孤儿的,竟是我平顺时的依靠,患难时远离的?甚至因不了解,因信心软弱而埋怨?!患难时 岂不是更加依靠吗?理应如此!而我,却为何如此呢?我的信心在哪?岂不知,基督徒的路是凭着信心,不是凭着眼见吗?这句话是明明可知的,却因周遭的打压而 开始想退缩!试乎双眼蒙蔽,唯独看见负面的一面;却忘了人常言道的一句话:人的尽头,是神的开始!

神降下苦难,并非要我们受苦,失望,挫折,沮丧。。。相信这一切,他也是不愿见到的!儿女受苦,为人父母者岂不也深深感同身受吗?然而,他不会帮我们经过 风浪,却是与我们携手跨越风浪!以致最终他的荣耀得以彰显!而我,是否愿意耐心等候,坚定祷告,直到他荣耀彰显的一天呢?等候耶和华,我,有信心吗?

O Father , please do let me WALK BY FAITH BUT NOT WALK BY SIGHT for U know my weaknesses in faith and for THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE IN YOU. I n Jesus name I pray , amen('',)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

如鹰展翅上腾 ('',)





多么熟悉的一首诗歌啊!曾经觉得这首歌的旋律很吵,所以不是那么地喜欢!但在一次偶然的机会下,就在我心情低落时,神使用这首歌亲自安慰我!它的歌词是多么得有盼望,是多么地有希望,真正应验了以赛亚书40:31 [ 但那等候耶和华的必重新得力,他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏!]

当下眼泪就留了下来,我听见阿爸对我说话!使我的信心再次得以刚强!今天,在家庭祭坛上,神再次透过这首诗歌安慰了我!因这几天,孩子的心情极度低落,不知为何总是忧郁,不想开口说话,只想一味地保持沉默;或许总是忧虑过多吧?!忧虑未来的事!明明清楚知道经上记着说:[不要为明天而忧虑,一天的忧虑一天就够了,因明天自有明天的忧虑!] 但。。。心灵愿意,肉体却软弱了!每天过着这闷闷不乐的日子,我的心好累,甚至负面的思想全都涌了上来TT 然而,面对这一切,我仍旧无能为力!TT 祷告交托后,试乎重担仍旧不肯放下!


此时此刻,阿爸天父对我说:[ 孩子,我已听见你的呼求,我更明白你的渴望!放下你的重担,脱去你的缠累吧!只管安息在我怀里,我已应许你,凡劳苦担重担的人可以到我这里来,我就使你得安息!我儿,你当恢复神儿女应有的荣美形象!应当在我里面喜乐,然而你却为何在我里面忧虑,烦躁,甚至昼夜以眼泪当饮食呢?孩子,你的一切,岂不知阿爸父我都一一细查吗?岂不知阿爸父为你的软弱而忧伤吗?又岂不知阿爸我为你的软弱而心疼吗?更是为你的哭泣而流泪啊!孩子啊,爸爸没有一天停止爱你,没有一天停止担忧你的疲惫和伤心!只愿交托你的重担吧!喜乐地面对人生吧!关关难过,关关过!放心吧孩子!万事有我呢!要知道洪水之中我仍坐王,洪水之中我仍掌权!无论结果如何,要知道神在掌权!!!

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

                                                         ---- PSALM 40 :31 ---

Monday, July 2, 2012

Be Still ('',) Part Two

Father , do not denied that sometimes I just feel like want to give up. Sorry for my weaknesses , sorry for losing Faith in U , sorry for do not rely U , sorry for do not fixed my eyes on U when I am down.....Sorry for enlarge the problems and tribulations I faced , but instead underestimate YOUR POWER !!! Once , I had been gained my Faith on U just by the words that U delivers through your child , U say:

[ My dear children , Andrea

      No matter what difficulties you are facing right now , please be bear in mind that this is the life cycle that you yourselves have to go through even though it look hard and even despair you !!! But this is the MUST in order to mould u , to train u , to make u stronger in the future !!! Thus , be ready to accept the challenge !!! Take this challenge as an equipment of Father to u !!! Do accept it !!! For I will not allow any problems come to us if it cant become a learning , a turning , or earning experience !!
                  CHILD, WHEN I COMFORT YOU , I EQUIPS U !!!

                                                                                        Love ,
                                                                                        Abba Father ]

At this silence moment , let this song [ STILL ] be my sincere and deep prayer .

Hide Me Now
  Under Your Wings 
  Cover Me
  Within Your Mighty Hands 
  I Rest My Soul
  In Christ Alone
  Know HIS Power
  In Quiteness And Power
  When The Oceans Rise And Thunders Roar
  I Will Soar With YOU Over The Flood
  I Will Be Still

 Direct my steps Oh LORD , to where YOU want me to be. Please guide me which road to take and please give me the GRACE to withstand the twists and turns of life. 

Be Still ('',) Part One

Just feel like want to scream now !!!
Scream as loud as I can ,
Scream as much as I can ,
Scream as possible as I can !!!!
Everything surround me , stressed me , which made me so nervous , so frustrated and made my life super miserable !!!!
Arghh !!!!!!

When I calm down , I think , after screaming , I wonder is it useful ??
Not at all !!!!
After screaming , everything still remain !!! How cruel it is !!!
The next moment , does anything changes ??
NO !!!!
I still have to face all those thing which I dislike the most !!!
Facing homework , assignment , lab report , exam , exam and exam again !!!

Sometimes , cannot denied that , I just felt like I am exactly like the author of '' The Road Not Taken '' 
For I do not know which way should I choose ??
After choose the way , I began to wonder : Lord , is it this is the way U want me to choose ??
Is it what I am doing right now is your FAVOUR ?? Is it I am doing the wrong thing or in other words , is it the way I choose is wrong ?? I felt confused , afraid and helpless... I feel down and lost TT When tribulations come , can I withstand ?? Or Is it I still be able to stand firm before tribulations ?? Would I give up ?? Or more serious , would I leave U just because I lose my LOVE , HOPE AND FAITH which should be owned by a christian ?? Which should be owned by HIS DEAREST DAUGHTER ?? At that moment , before twist and the turns of life , would I still can praise U with all my soul , with all my heart ?? Just like the scripture says so ,  'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind ' Would I stand firm just like Job ?? Would I still have a Strong Faith just like Job ?? Would I believe that everyhting there is a season ?? Or...I just totally ignore everything and give up ??!! Should I ??

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stand Firm Before Tribulations ('',)

'' Keep your heart with all vigilance , for from it flow the springs of life. ''
 --- Proverbs 4 : 23 ---

It is hard to STAY STRAIGHT in this slippery world. Thus , do STAY CLOSE to our Abba Father.
For scripture says so , don't copy the behaviour and custom of this world , but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

Prayer :
Abba Father , please do let your child to stand firm before tribulations. Please do not let me follow neither the custom nor bad behaviour of the world but do let me be a children AFTER GOD OWN HEART. In Jesus name I pray , Amen ('',)